Terms & Conditions

1. These terms and conditions ("Terms") apply to both Varah Educom Pvt. Ltd. ("Company," "We," "Us," "Our") and its users ("User," "You," "Your") when using our website www.stocktutor.com ("Website"), our applications ("Application"), or any products or services related to the Application, Website, or Products ("Services"). According to the Information Technology Act of 2000 and the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules issued thereunder, as amended from time to time, these Terms are considered an electronic record. Before using the Application, Website, Services, or Products, please carefully read the Terms and the Company's privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") regarding registration with us and the use of the Application, Website, Services, and Products. The terms of the Terms shall take precedence over any other policies relating to the Application, Website, Services, or Products in the event of any conflict. Any use, access, browsing, or registration (with or without payment/with or without a subscription) of the Application, Website, Services, or Products, or through any other means, shall constitute Your acceptance of the Terms and Your consent to be bound by them. Please refrain from using the Application, Website, Services, or Products if you disagree with the Terms or the Privacy Policy. Any registrations or subscriptions that grant access to our Services, Applications, or Products are non-transferable.

2. Except as noted below, the Company ("Proprietary Information") owns all information, content, material, trademarks, service marks, trade names, and trade secrets (collectively, "Proprietary Information") contained in the Application, Website, Services, and Products. This includes, but is not limited to, software, text, images, graphics, video, scripts, and audio. Without the Company's prior written consent, no Proprietary Information may be copied, downloaded, reproduced, modified, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way. Nothing on the Application, Website, or Services shall be construed as providing the User with a license or any other right, interest, or title to or in any of the intellectual property rights owned by the Company. Even if the information, content, or materials are stored on a medium that you may own, the Company will always retain full ownership of the information, content, or materials as well as any intellectual property rights it has added to the medium.

The Website may include material that is the property of third parties. The rights to these contents, which were reproduced with the approval of the relevant party, shall continue to belong to that third party. Additionally, you understand and agree that all trademarks, copyrights, logos, service marks, and other intellectual property held by any third party shall remain their sole property, and you are not allowed to use any of them without their permission.

  • Company is not liable if you connect with the tutor personally and ask for any insider information about the market.
  • E-books provided by the Company have copyrights, as they are completely designed and developed by the Company. Copying its content and using it somewhere else can cause copyright claims.
  • If any loss is incurred by the user through news & blogs, then the Company is not liable for it.
  • Plans are only provided for 1 year and are not transferable.
  • You may only use our products, website, application, and services for non-commercial purposes. It is not permitted to use the Application, Website, Services, or Products or their contents for anything other than personal use. The following limitations apply to your personal and non-commercial use of this Application, Website, Products, and/or our Services:
  • You are not allowed to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information or software obtained from the Application, our Website, or Services/Products. You are also not allowed to remove any copyright, trademark registration, or other proprietary notices from the Application's contents.

    You agree not to:

    • (a) use this application, our website, any of our products or services for commercial purposes of any kind;
    • (b) advertise or sell this application, any of our products or services, domain names, or anything else related to them (whether for profit or not);
    • (c) solicit others for commercial purposes (including, without limitation, soliciting contributions or donations);
    • (d) use any public forum for commercial purposes of any kind.
  • While using our services, no User may engage in any of the following banned activities:
  • Making content that is false, harmful, threatening, abusive, tortious, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, child pornographic, lewd, lascivious, profane, invading another person's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable; stalking, intimidating, and/or harassing another person; inciting another person to commit violence; and/or transmitting content that encourages anyone to commit.
  • Preventing anybody from using or enjoying the application, website, or services.
  • Making, sending, or storing electronic copies of copyright-protected materials without the owner's consent, engaging in conduct that violates intellectual property, or making available content that violates anyone else's intellectual property or other proprietary rights.
  • Unless you own or control the rights thereto or have obtained all required consents for such use of the content, you may not:

    • (a) Make available any content or material that you do not have a right to make available under any law, contract, or fiduciary relationship;
    • (b) impersonate anyone or anything, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with anyone or anything;
  • Posting, transmitting, or making accessible any content containing computer viruses, trojan horses, worms, spyware, time bombs, cancelbots, or other programming routines, code, files, or programs that could harm the Application or services, restrict the functionality of any computer software, hardware, or telecommunications, or could harvest or collect data about other Users without their consent.
  • Infringe on the requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Application/Website/Services/Products, either intentionally or unintentionally, disrupt the services, or otherwise violate any applicable laws regarding access to or use of the Application/Website/Services/Products.
  • Impair the security of the Application/Website/Services/Products or harm it in any other way.
  • Use deep links, page scraping, robots, spiders, or any other automatic device, program, algorithm, or any similar or equivalent manual process to increase traffic to the Application/Website/Services/Products.
  • Interfere with, or inhibit any user from using and enjoying access to the Application/Website/Services/Products or other affiliated sites.
  • Engage in disruptive attacks, such as denial of service attacks on the Application/Website/Service.
  • Change or modify any aspect of the Services; use the Services for any purposes prohibited by (i) these Terms; and (ii) any law, rule, or generally accepted standards or guidelines in the relevant jurisdiction; or violate any of the conditions outlined in the Terms for using the Application/Website/Services/Products.
  • No user is permitted to record the video lectures; if this is discovered, the Company may impose punitive measures.

3. By posting content on or through the Services (your "Material"), you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display, and distribute such Material in any media or distribution methods (now known or later developed), as well as to associate your Material with you, except the circumstances set forth below. You consent to anyone using Your Material in the same way that they use any other materials made accessible through the Services. These Terms permit other users of the Services to modify, fork, and use your Material in new ways. Your Material and name can still be accessible through the Services even after you delete your user account.

4. Every effort has been made in the development of the Application/Website/Services/Products and its contents to provide the most up-to-date, accurate, and concise information possible. Nevertheless, unintentional mistakes could happen. The Company specifically disclaims any liability for any errors and inaccuracies of the information that may be contained in the Application, although this exclusion is not intended to be exhaustive. It would be very appreciated if the User provided comments to help keep the Application and its contents error-free and user-friendly. Additionally, the business has the freedom and authority to remove or add content at any time without prior notice or to make any modifications or corrections. The information and contents found or offered on the Application/Website/Services/Products are not warranted or guaranteed by the Company or any third parties to be accurate, timely, perform, complete, or suitable for any particular purpose. You understand that these materials and information could have mistakes or inaccuracies, and we expressly disclaim all responsibility for any such errors or inaccuracies to the fullest extent permissible by law.

5. Users of our website have access to compiled educational content and related resources. Such information is supplied "as is," and we take no responsibility for its usage, correctness, completeness, or lack of obsolescence. We are not responsible for maintaining the accuracy or consistency of the material on the Website. Any inaccuracies that may be present in such material, which is compiled from outside sources, as well as any unavailability of such information, are not our responsibility. Links to other websites may occasionally be present on the website. For your convenience, we have included these links for further information. They do not imply our endorsement of the website. We are not liable for the information on the website(s) that are linked. Without the Company's express permission, you are not permitted to establish a connection to the Website from another website or document.

6. The topics taught in the organized curriculum syllabus that is required of students in various courses served as the foundation for the Application/Services/Products' content development. The use of the Application/Services/Products is not recommended as a replacement for the curriculum-based instruction offered by educational institutions, but rather as an addition to it by clearly outlining and presenting the concepts. The subject's fundamental definitions and formulas would not change. The Company recognizes that there are many ways to deliver structured curriculum pedagogy, and the inclusion of certain methods in the Application, Services, or Products does not suggest that the Company approves of those methods in general, nor does their exclusion imply the opposite. Using our Services/Website/Products or subscribing to the Application in no way ensures admission to any educational institutions, passing of any exams, or achieving a certain percentage of marks on any exams.

7. Opinions and perspectives may be present in some of the Applications, Services, Websites, and Products' contents (especially those about help with administrative service preparations). Any claims based on such opinions are not the responsibility of the Company. Additionally, the Company makes no guarantees or claims of any kind regarding the accuracy, sufficiency, or completeness of such information and data.

8. We encourage user contributions to the interactive sections of the Services, which may or may not be subject to editorial review before being posted. The Company disclaims all liability and responsibility for any content transmitted in this manner by third parties. Any content may be removed, reviewed, edited, or deleted by the Company at any time and for any reason. In a similar vein, regardless of whether We have certified any answers published by Users, We will not be held accountable or responsible for any content uploaded by Users directly on the Website. We are not liable for determining whether or not any user-posted questions, answers, or contents contain unlawful materials.

9. Based on any access to the Application (including free downloads/trials), Services, Website, or registrations made through any source whatsoever, the Company (including but not limited to its subsidiaries/affiliates) may get in touch with the User via SMS, email, and call to provide information about their offerings and Products as well as notifications of various important updates and/or to request permission for a demonstration of their Products. The User hereby expressly consents to be contacted by the Company (including but not limited to its subsidiaries and affiliates) by phone, SMS, and email, and holds the Company (including but not limited to its subsidiaries and affiliates) harmless from any liabilities, including fines, damages, and expenses if the User's mobile number is listed in the Do Not Call (DNC) database. By registering, you consent to allow Our staff, associates, subsidiaries, affiliates, and partners to contact you by phone, SMS, email, and other means with educational information, offers, and promotions.

10. The User acknowledges that he/she has not been persuaded by any statements or representations of any person regarding the quality or conditions of the Products and that User has relied solely on the investigations, examinations, and inspections as the User has chosen to make and that the Company has provided the User with the opportunity to make. The Company may, based on the User's confirmation, facilitate the demonstration of its Products at the location sought by the User.

11. The Company may contact you via the registered mobile number or email after registration via any method to enable the efficient provision of Services. The User hereby expressly grants the Company permission to get in touch with him/her and the student using the Services at any time after registration through the aforementioned channels. Additionally, the Company shall have the right to watch over how the User or student uses the Application, Services, or Products and their contents, analyze such usage, and have discussions about it with them to promote effective and efficient use of the Services. The User hereby expressly authorizes the Company to answer questions posed by the User's student using the application, services, or online portal, to provide study plans, to inform the User's student of their progress, to offer feedback, to communicate with the User's student, and to mentor the User by phone or email, with the express permission of the User's legal guardian or parent, or in any other forum.

12. Although the Company has made efforts to train the staff members involved in sales and services related to its Products to enable quality control, it makes no warranties or representations regarding the quality and competence of such staff members and would not be liable for any inappropriate behavior on the part of any such staff members. The Company appreciates hearing from Users regarding this and reserves the right to act in this area at its sole discretion.

14. Access to specific Services components, such as doubt clearing, mentorship services, etc., may be governed by other terms, conditions, and fair usage guidelines. Based on its rules, the Company maintains the right to choose the requirements for offering certain Services components to specific User categories. Therefore, the Company shall be entitled to exercise its discretion in granting access to and determining the continuity of certain elements of Services, and subscription to the Application/Products or registration does not automatically entitle the User to any elements of Services provided by the Company. Any of Our Services may be extended, canceled, discontinued, prematurely withheld, or modified at our discretion.

15. The Company is not required to offer functional products or services for any instruments that it does not recognize or for any instruments that a customer may purchase from a third party.

16. As a result of Your use of our Products and Services, the Company disclaims all liability for any loss or damage to the tablet or any other hardware, software, or instrument, including any loss of data or impact on processing speed.

17. StockTutor encourages its customers, fintech partners, and other stakeholders to refer customers to purchase StockTutor Products & Services to foster client retention and loyalty. Subject to any applicable restrictions, the business is free to choose whether to pay a referral bonus. Since this is a company-wide optional selective policy, the company's decision is final and cannot be questioned or overturned. No Customer, Fintech Partner, or other stakeholder shall transact business with the Company in anticipation of such a Bonus, it should be highlighted with extreme caution. Since the Bonus paid by the Company is solely dependent on its judgment based on internal criteria and other demographic and economic considerations, the Company shall not be held liable if some Customer has engaged in business to receive a referral bonus.

18. Any name or other information inconsistencies will result in the account being suspended, including those caused by the User's own mistakes or the Company's records.

19.The Company cannot guarantee that its Products or Services will always be available and functional. Due to maintenance, updates, or technical issues, the Company may experience temporary outages or disruptions. The Company disclaims all liability for any inconvenience or damages resulting from such outages or disruptions.

20. The Company shall not be liable for any damages, losses, or claims arising from the use of third-party services, websites, or links provided on the Website or Application. The Company does not endorse or guarantee the accuracy or reliability of such third-party content.